systemD vs Thunder Feature Comparison

Created on June 21, 2022
Sl FeatureSystemdThunder
1Init Script/Service formatConfig Files (ini) Json files
2Main dependenciesDbuswpeframework plugins launcher
3Standalone Init systemYesNeed another Init system to launch Thunder
4Running as DaemonYesYes
5Cross service dependencies/eventsyesNo
6Parallel service startupYesYes
7LicenseLGPL v2.1+?
8Filesystem mounting.mount unitsnot supported
9Initial service launchersystemdInitd/busybox init
10RDK service launchersystemdWPEFramework plugins launcher
11Total memory consumption (RPI)80M73M ?
13Ability to support multiple log filesvia journal filtersNot supported
14Support for runlevelstargetsNot supported
15Zombie processesProcesses can be configured for oneshot
 and there are no zombie occurances
The processes that gets froked is becoming 
zombies after startup
16Open issues
Multiple instances of WPEFramework getting launched in some cases

WPEFramework gets terminated abnormally under certain conditions

“Monitor” plugin needs to support PluginLauncher processes
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