RDK Services

Created on April 3, 2020


RDK services are a set of JSON-RPC services that provide access to the RDK core components on set-top devices. RDK services are implemented as Thunder plugins for the Thunder framework. The Thunder framework is responsible for, among other things, managing plugins and handling client requests. RDK services are invoked over HTTP or Web Sockets using their JSON-RPC services-based interface. This makes RDK services accessible to any client that can process JSON, such as Lightning JavaScript applications or HTML5 web applications. For native applications, you can also invoke RDK services directly using C/C++ native code.


The open-source component of RDK Services is developed within the rdkcentral organization on GitHub. For further information and API references, you can refer to the RDK Services project website . The below table provides a list of RDK Services plugins along with their corresponding GitHub links.

RDK Services Plugin Github Link
ActivityMonitor ActivityMonitor
AVInput AVInput
Bluetooth  Bluetooth
CompositeInput CompositeInput
ContinueWatching ContinueWatching
ControlService ControlService
dataCapture  DataCapture
DeviceDiagnostics  DeviceDiagnostics
DeviceIdentification  DeviceIdentification
DeviceInfo DeviceInfo
DisplayInfo DisplayInfo
DisplaySettings DisplaySettings
FireboltMediaPlayer FireboltMediaPlayer
FrameRate FrameRate
FrontPanel FrontPanel
HdcpProfile HdcpProfile
HdmiCec_2 HdmiCec_2
HdmiCecSource HdmiCecSource
HdmiCec HdmiCec
HdmiCecSink HdmiCecSink
HdmiInput HdmiInput
LinearPlaybackControl LinearPlaybackControl
LocationSync LocationSync
LoggingPreferences LoggingPreferences
MaintenanceManager MaintenanceManager
MediaEngineRMF MediaEngineRMF
Messenger Messenger
Monitor Monitor
MotionDetection MotionDetection
Network Network
OCIContainer OCIContainer
OpenCDMi OpenCDMi
Packager Packager
PersistentStore PersistentStore
PlayerInfo PlayerInfo
RDKShell RDKShell
RemoteActionMapping RemoteActionMapping
RemoteControl RemoteControl
ScreenCapture ScreenCapture
SecurityAgent SecurityAgent
StateObserver StateObserver
SystemAudioPlayer SystemAudioPlayer
System System
Telemetry Telemetry
TextToSpeech TextToSpeech
Timer Timer
TraceControl TraceControl
UsbAccess UsbAccess
UserPreferences UserPreferences
VoiceControl VoiceControl
Warehouse Warehouse
WebKitBrowser WebKitBrowser
Wifi Wifi
Xcast XCast

Some RDK components contain RDK services that are separately developed as part of their project. Refer to the each component repository, respectively: 

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