
Created on June 21, 2022


  • RDK PROC ANALYZER is a tool that enables different teams like development, triage and testing to analyze the CPU and memory utilization of the processes that run on top of RDK framework.
  • It helps us in detecting the memory leaks, cpu and memory performance regressions.
  • This tool is implemented as a service.
  • Highly configurable (Parameters like period , time interval and processes to be monitored can be configured).

Code Flow

  • The main code flow of CPU Procanalyzer –

  • To get the Load Average information- 

  •  To get the Memory information- 

  • To get the Idle Percent Information-

How to Launch

This tool runs as a service.

If the file /tmp/PROC_ANALYZER_ENABLE is touched the tool starts running and it logs the details.

How to Configure:

1 Open  ‘/opt/rmfconfig.ini’ file on the device.

    Parameters that can be configured:

                   (a)Time Interval


                   (c)Enable Dynamic

(a) Time Interval : It is the amount of time the tool runs.

(b) Period        : It is the interval of time for which the tool records the information.

(c)Enable Dynamic : This is a flag to disable and enable the capturing of dynamic processes
                     ( Enable Dynamic = 1 means enable and Enable Dynamic =0 means disable ).

It would take the default values if not configured (sleepsecs:60, Time to run:0, Dynamic:1)


    FEATURE.CPUPROCANALYER.TIMETORUN.SECS = 0 (which means tool runs until it is killed manually)


2. Open ‘/opt/processes.list’ file on the device.

  File to configure process names to be monitored

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