Injected Bundle

Created on June 21, 2022


Injected bundle is an Integration layer between Service Manager and the player in RDK Browser and WPE. 

  • Adds an ability to send messages from JavaScript to UI side and vice versa.
  • Supports ACL for the JavaScript objects.
JavaScript Bridge implementation
The JS Bridge consists of 2 parts:
    - execution backend (written in C++)
    - client interface to execution backend (this one)

  Each part consists of 2 layers:
   - object interface (methods calls)
   - general messaging (serialized messages)

  Each method call JS => C++ is serialized into JSON, trasfered via IPC,
  received on another side, mapped into the corresponding method call.
  So, the route is:

  C++                        JS
  -------------------       -------------------
  object interface  <      < object interface
  ------------------ |     |-------------------
  general messaging  |     | general messaging
  ------------------ |     |-------------------
  IPC                 <===<  IPC

  Responses and events are transferred in opposite direction (C++ => JS)

Implementation Details

How to Expose C/C++ API using injectedbundle

  • Define an Injectedbundle CB that’s invoked when a page is loaded

Define an object of WKBundlePageLoaderClientV1 with your own function callback for didCommitLoadForFrame. This callback gets invoked when a page’s DOM contens finishes loading. This will also provide the mainFrame instance in which the JS object is to be loaded.

WKBundlePageLoaderClientV1 client {
        {1, clientInfo},
        // Version 0.
        nullptr, // didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame;
        didCommitLoad, // didCommitLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFinishLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame;
        nullptr, // didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame;
        nullptr, // didReceiveTitleForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFirstLayoutForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForFrame;
        nullptr, // didRemoveFrameFromHierarchy;
        nullptr, // didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame;
        nullptr, // didRunInsecureContentForFrame;
        nullptr, // didClearWindowObjectForFrame;
        nullptr, // didCancelClientRedirectForFrame;
        nullptr, // willPerformClientRedirectForFrame;
        nullptr, // didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame;
        // Version 1.
        nullptr, // didLayoutForFrame
        nullptr, // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout_unavailable
        nullptr, // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout_unavailable
        nullptr, // globalObjectIsAvailableForFrame
        nullptr, // globalObjectIsAvailableForFrame
        nullptr, // didReconnectDOMWindowExtensionToGlobalObject
        nullptr // willDestroyGlobalObjectForDOMWindowExtension

  •  void didCommitLoad(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame) // WKBundleFrameRef frame provides the JS context in which to load JS/C++ bindings
void didCommitLoad(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame)
    JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame);


  • Using the context obtained from frame you can load custom JS objects, but first you need to define a JS class definition which provides a standard set of callbacks and properties for the JS object
Reference – usr/include/JavaScriptCore/JSObjectRef.h
typedef struct {
    int                                 version; /* current (and only) version is 0 */
    JSClassAttributes                   attributes;
    const char*                         className;
    JSClassRef                          parentClass;
    const JSStaticValue*                staticValues;
    const JSStaticFunction*             staticFunctions;
    JSObjectInitializeCallback          initialize;
    JSObjectFinalizeCallback            finalize;
    JSObjectHasPropertyCallback         hasProperty;
    JSObjectGetPropertyCallback         getProperty;
    JSObjectSetPropertyCallback         setProperty;
    JSObjectDeletePropertyCallback      deleteProperty;
    JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback    getPropertyNames;
    JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback      callAsFunction;
    JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback   callAsConstructor;
    JSObjectHasInstanceCallback         hasInstance;
    JSObjectConvertToTypeCallback       convertToType;
} JSClassDefinition;

The important parameters for any JS object are staticValues, staticFunctions which helps to implement (get/set) and JSObject.function()

You may find more about the structure of JSStaticValue and JSStaticFunction in JSObjectRef.h

  • Once the class and corresponding callbacks are defined, you may load this object onto the context that is retrieved from the frame object in injectedbundle
static const JSClassDefinition JS_class_def;
void LoadJS(JSGlobalContextRef context)
        //Create a custom object that holds the context and any other variables that are required, for eg- seesion keeping var.
        struct CustomObject* obj = new CustomObject();
        JSClassRef classDef = JSClassCreate(&JS_class_def);
        JSObjectRef classObj = JSObjectMake(context, classDef, obj);
        JSObjectRef globalObj = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context);
        JSStringRef str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("JSObject"); //If you would like to name your object as JSObject and access like
        JSObjectSetProperty(context, globalObj, str, classObj, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL); //this loads the JSObject to  page


  • Once the page is loaded, you may add an event listenet for onDOMContentLoaded and verify if the JSObject is defined ( if(typeof global.JSObject !== “undefined” {console.log (“JSObject available”)})

 How to Invoke a JS API from C/C++

  • Pass the JS API function pointer to Native code and store it as a JSObjectRef
JSObject.addEventListener(eventType, eventListener) //with eventListener having a definition like "function eventListener(event: any) {....}"
static JSValueRef addEventListener(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception)
        JSObjectRef callbackObj = JSValueToObject(context, arguments[1], NULL);
        if (callbackObj != NULL && JSObjectIsFunction(context, callbackObj))
              //Store the callbackObj in a variable
              eventListener = callbackObj;
              JSValueProtect(context, callbackObj);
              return JSValueMakeUndefined(context);
        return JSValueMakeNull(context);
  • To invoke the JS API from C/C++, call JSObjectCallAsFunction with the callbackObj and arguments

    JSObjectCallAsFunction(context, callbackObj, NULL, 1, args, NULL);  //args is the list of arguments if required

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