RDK Diagnostics
This provides HTML diagnostic clients which can be used for Hybrid Gateway devices as well as IP clients. It also supports retrieving diagnostic values over a TR-069 interface for devices where snmp support is not present (IP client devices). Also additional diagnostic screens to monitor MOCA devices are available.
HTML based diagnostic screens will send a JSON request to the Lighttpd server. This request is converted to a corresponding SNMP trigger or a TR-69 request to retrieve the data and send it back as a JSON response to the HTML client.
- Handle HTTP gets from Diagnostics Application.
- Retrieve data from SNMP and/or TR-069 Clients.
Feature Summary
Application access to SNMP MIB objects
- Application access to TR-069 parameters
- Application access to RDK state variables
Diagnostic Parameters (example)
Parameter | SNMP MIB | TR-069 Object |
MoCA Enable/Disable Status | mocaIfEnable | Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Enable |
Firmware Version | ocStbHostSoftwareFirmwareVersion | SoftwareVersion |
LAN IP Address | Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.IPAddress |
State Variables
RDK will signal state variable transitions to application, and application will present the corresponding error messages to the user if necessary.
Diagnostics using SNMP
A glance on SNMP
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for collecting and organizing information about managed devices on IP networks and for modifying that information to change device behaviour.
- SNMP is the opensource component which is integrated with RDK.
- “snmpd” is the snmp agent which is running in the box.
- All MIBS are available in /usr/share/snmp/mibs/
SNMP agents maintains a database describing the managed device parameters.
Manager uses this database to request the agent to retrieve specific information and further translates the information as needed for the network mangement system .
Agent and Manager shares MIB
MIBs comprises of managed object identified by the name Object Identifier (OID).
SNMP mibs starts with
SNMP Diagnostics
- SNMP queries are used to fetch the details from the box which will be displayed in the “Diagnostics” page
- SNMP is used only in “hybrid” box types and not in client boxes.
- Client boxes use TR069 protocol for fetching diagnostic details.
Steps to display Diagnostics page in PC Browser
- Step 1:
Copy lighttpd config file from /etc to /opt
cp /etc/lighttpd.conf /opt/
- Step 2 :
Modify config file to show the page in browser.
vi /opt/lighttpd.conf
Comment below line
server.bind = “”
- Step 3:
Execute below command
ps -ef| grep “/usr/sbin/lighttpd” | grep -v “grep” | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9 >& /dev/null;/usr/sbin/lighttpd -D -f /opt/lighttpd.conf &
- Step 4:
Use below url in the browser to see diagnostics page
http://<hybrid box lan ip address>:50050/htmldiag/summary_info.html
Note: Use TAB, SHIFT+TAB and ENTER keys to browse through this page
SNMP queries through command line
- SNMP queries can be executed command line to fetch the details
- Execute below commands in the box console to see the output of the query
Example 1: Querying card binding status
snmpwalk -OQ -v 2c -c public OC-STB-HOST-MIB::ocStbHostCardBindingStatus.0
Expected Output :
It shows that card is not authenticated for paid channels
Example 2: To check signal strength
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public OC-STB-HOST-MIB::ocStbHostInBandTunerTable
Example 3: For HDMI status returned by TV
snmpwalk -OQ -v 2c -c public OC-STB-HOST-MIB::ocStbHostDVIHDMITable
Diagnostics using TR069
- TR069 queries are used to fetch the details from the box which will be displayed in the “Diagnostics” page
- TR069 is used only in “client” box types and not in hybrid boxes.
- Hybrid boxes use SNMP protocol for fetching diagnostic details.
Steps to display Diagnostics page in PC Browser
- Step 1:
Copy lighttpd config file from /etc to /opt
cp /etc/lighttpd.conf /opt/
- Step 2 :
Modify config file to show the page in browser.
vi /opt/lighttpd.conf
Comment below line
server.bind = “”
- Step 3:
Execute below command
ps -ef| grep “/usr/sbin/lighttpd” | grep -v “grep” | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9 >& /dev/null;/usr/sbin/lighttpd -D -f /opt/lighttpd.conf &
- Step 4:
Use below url in the browser to see diagnostics page
http://<client box lan ip address>:50050/htmldiag/summary_info.html
TR-069 queries through command line
TR 060 queries can be executed command line to fetch the details using curl to query tr69Hostif
Execute below commands in the box console to see the output of the query
Example 1: To fetch number of entries in the HDMI table
curl -d ‘{“paramList” : [{“name” : “Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.HDMI.1.Status”}]}’
Example 2: To fetch Human-readable name associated with this video decoder
curl -d ‘{“paramList” : [{“name” : “Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.VideoDecoder.1.Name”}]}’
Example 3: To fetch the device total cpu usage
curl -d ‘{“paramList” : [{“name” : “Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.CPUUsage”}]}’
Steps to display Diagnostics page in PC Browser