Created on June 21, 2022
- RDKShell is a native component that provides application management, composition, and advanced key handling.
- Lightning/RDKShell solution replaces the existing Spark/Optimus based app launcher on RDK Firebolt ® builds.
- RDKShell will be able to launch / suspend / resume / kill native apps, web apps and Lightning apps.
Key Handling Sequence
RDKShell allows for applications to register for key events that they may be interested in even if they are not the focused application.By default, all key events go to the currently focused application.However, an application can request to intercept a key if desired. If the key is intercepted then the focused app will not receive the key event unless if it intercepts the key as well.
RDKShell controls the management of composition, layout, Z order, and key handling.
It is accessible through a Thunder API: RDKShell
- For API information please refer
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