Tata Elxsi Accelerator UI Customization

Created on June 21, 2022


Tata Elxsi Accelerator UI Application can be customized based on the operator requirement using our CustomUI application (Customer Login Page ) .Only the applications and contents configured against a particular operator id will be available to that operator.


This document provides the following details: 

  • Login to CustomUI Application 
  • Customize the application
  • Box configuration


The steps to login as a new operator to the CustomUI Application is listed here:

Steps to Login 

Follow the steps listed here to login as an existing Operator

  1. Click on Customer Login Page or Enter the URL ( in the address bar of browser (Chrome), and press Enter. 
  2. Below login page will be loaded.

  3. Enter a valid username and password (sample user:- username: elxsi password: elxsi123) 
  4. Click on Login.

Follow the steps below to login as a new operator

  1. Click on the sign-up link to create a new operator.
  2. Once clicked below page will be loaded.
  3. Enter the operator name, Username, Password and select the OEM. 
  4. Note down the Username since the same value should be given in the OPERATOR_ID in box configuration discussed later. 
  5. Once all values are entered click on the submit button. 
  6. Dashboard screen will be displayed on successful login. 

Client setup 

The steps to connect to the server is given below: 

Box Configuration 

  1. Open /opt/www/build/static/server/Serverconfig.json in box. 
  2. Serverconfig.json contains 3 fields: 

    SERVER_URL “: URL of the CustomUI ( 

    OPERATOR_ID “: Username given while creating  a new operator  (for default user : operator_id : teuser) 

    ASSET_URL “:  URL of the server from which assets are to be loaded (

  3. Save and reboot the box.

Customize the Application 

Note: The configuration is to be done against each operator and each operator is identified by a unique operator_id . This operator_id should be same as operator_id in /opt/www/build/static/server/Serverconfig.json in box. 

1. Home

  • The order of the sections in the home screen can be customized by the operator.  
  • Click the Home button on the top bar of dashboard, below page will be displayed 
  1. Click on the customer_menu_app_list table through phpMyAdmin page.

  2. Click on the Insert button to add Customer data.
  3. Premium apps feature in main menu of Accelerator UI app can be enabled by setting 6 in the menu_id field.
    [6 here refers to the Premium app content against that customer id]
  4. Individual Premium apps in the Accelerator UI app can be enabled by setting the app_id field.
    [values for app_id can be referred from app_list table, see picture below with YouTube is 1, Netflix is 2 etc]


e.g. For enabling YouTube in first position 
      click on customer_menu_app_list -> click on insert 
      ->Add → menu_id : 6 
                 → app_id : 1 
                 → app_position :1 
                 →customer_id : boxid (serial_number) 

3. Steps to Disable a Premium App for a customer 

  1. Click on the customer_menu_app_list table.
  2. Delete the entry with app_id of the app to be disabled corresponding to the required customer_id. 

e.g. To delete Netflix premium app for a customer with customer_id: OEABAgME9i.
       → click on customer_menu_app_list .
       → Delete the entry corresponding to customer_id -> OEABAgME9i with app_id is 2.

4. Steps to update an entry in table  

  1. Click on the Edit button from the respective rows that is to be updated.
  2. Make the required update and click on Go button. 

5. Steps to enable a customer to access Metro App content 

  1. Click on the customer_menu_app_list table. 

  2. Click on the Insert button to add Customer data .
  3. Metro apps feature can be enabled by setting 7 in the menu_id field.
    [7 here refers to the Metro app content in 
    menu_list table] 
  4. Individual Metro apps can be enabled by setting the value in app_id field.
    [values for 
    app_id can be referred from app_list table] 

e.g. For enabling CNN in first position. 
      click on customer_menu_app_list → click on insert  
menu_id : 7 
               → app_id  : 4 
               → app_position :1 
               → customer_id : boxid(serial_number) 

6. Steps to Disable a Metro App for a customer 

  1. Click on the customer_menu_app_list table
  2. Delete the entry with app_id of the app to be disabled corresponding to the required customer_id. 

e.g. To delete Radio line app for a customer with customer_id: OEABAgME9i.
       → click on customer_menu_app_list table.
       → Delete the entry corresponding to customer_id -> OEABAgME9i with app_id ->12.

7. Steps to add a Recommended for you content for a customer 

  1. Click on the customer_recommended_list table through phpMyAdmin page.

  2. Click on the Insert button to add Customer data. 
  3. Recommended For You content in main menu of demo app can be added for a particular customer by setting the required recommended_content_id against that customer_id.
    [values of
    recommended_content_id  can be referred from recommended_list table, see the picture below]

eg. For enabling Tears of steel.
     click on customer_recommended_list →  click on insert  
     → Add → recommended_content_id : 1 
                → customer_id : boxid (serial_number) 

Note: To add a new content to recommended_list table

      1. Add a new recommended_content_id for the new content.
      2. Add the corresponding poster url in “url” field and video content url to “videourl” field.
      3. Add the corresponding category if it needs to displayed on the poster.

8. Steps to Remove a Recommended for you content for a customer 

  1.  Click on the customer_recommended_list table.
  2.  Delete the entry with recommended_content_id of the content to be removed corresponding to the required customer_id.  

9. Steps to add an icon in InfoBar for a customer 

  1. Click on the info_settings_content table through phpMyAdmin page .
  2. Click on Insert button to add Infobar icon path.
  3. Infobar icon path can be added to the column of image in the table against corresponding menu name (i.e. icon name). 
    [menu_id can be referred from menu_list table]

  e.g. For adding bluetooth icon to the infobar.
        click on info_settings_content table-> click on insert  
        →  Add  → menu_id : 32 (corresponding to Bluetooth InfoBar icon from  menu_list table) 
                     → Image: ‘images/info/bluetooth.png’ (Add the local path of the icon in static folder )


10. Steps to delete an icon from the Infobar for a customer 

  1. Click on the info_settings_content table.
  2. Delete the entry with path to the corresponding info bar icon to be removed. 

 e.g. For Deleting Wi-Fi icon from the InfoBar.
      → Click on the info_settings_content table
      →  Delete the entry with path to the Wi-Fi icon

11. Steps to customize home screen background image/color, font face and font color for a customer

  1. Click on the customer_theme_design table .
  2. Click on the Insert button to add Customer data.
  3. Background imageBackground color, font face and font color for the Home Screen can be customized by setting 1 in the menu_id field. 
  4. Value for each field can be added in the appropriate column of the table based on the customization requirements.

Note: If both bg_image and bg_color are configured in the table , preference is given to bg_image.


e.g.  For Adding bg_color/bg_image , font face and font color for home screen .
      click on customer_theme_design →  click on insert  
     ->Add menu_id : 1 
                 → bg_image : images/settings/settings-bg.png 
                 → bg_color : 0xff211d30
→ FontFace : bold
                 → text_fontColor: 0xff211d30
                 → customer_id: boxid(serial_number)  

12. Steps to customize settings screen background image/color, font face and font color for a customer 

  1. Click on the customer_theme_design table.
  2. Click on the Insert button to add Customer data.  
  3. Background image/ Background color, font face and font color for the Home Screen can be customized by setting 4 in the menu_id field. 
  4. Value for each field can be added in the appropriate column of the table based on the customization requirements .

Note: If both bg_image and bg_color are configured in the table, preference is given to bg_image .

e.g. For Adding bg_color/bg_image , font face and font color for home screen  
      click on customer_theme_design -> click on insert  
      -> Add → menu_id : 1 
                    → bg_image : images/settings/settings-bg.png 
                    → bg_color : 0xff211d30 
                    → FontFace : bold
→ text_fontColor : 0xff211d30 
                    →  customer_id : boxid(serial_number)  


To confirm the client-server setup is working as expected:

  1. Ensure firewall is disabled
  2. Try the following URL in the browser first and then try the same using curl command in the box.


curl http://<Server_ip>:<Server_port>/CustomUI/getThemeConfig?customer_id=OEABAgME9i

If you are not getting data in the box try: ping <Server_ip>

eg: root@mediabox:~# ping

        PING ( 56 data bytes

        64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=128 time=35.467 ms

        64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.238 ms

        64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=128 time=2.214 ms

If Ping is success, try in the browser to get the corresopnding data.

[“premium Apps”,”Recommended for you”,”metro Apps”]

Then try the curl for the same in the box:
~# curl

     response:  [“premium Apps”,”Recommended for you”,”metro Apps”]

If you are getting the appropriate response for the curl, Then the client server connection is successful.

To get the corresponding customization changes in UI:

  1. Add the following in /opt/www/build/static/server/Serverconfig.json
    “Server_ip”: ip address of the server machine in which the xampp server is setup
    Note: Ping to this ip should be successful as we tried in the previous step
    “Server_port”: port of Tomcat server
  2. Add the following boxid in /opt/www/build/static/server/Serverconfig.json
    “serial_number”: OEABAgME9i
  3. Reboot

The corresponding changes will be reflected in the Accelerator UI.

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